Category: pokemon

What does the lock symbol mean in the Pokemon summary in Pokemon Scarlet and Purple?

In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, there are certainly a lot to be confused. After all, it’s one of the first open-world games in the franchise, so it would be weird if there wasn’t a fair amount of confusion. But, one thing that makes gamers scratch their heads is the existence of a mysterious padlock icon. ...

How to get Mew in Pokemon Ultra Sun

How to get Mew in Pokémon Ultrasola? Winning Mew is one of the main goals of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon. However, it is not an easy task. To be successful, you must know how to get it. Methods to get Mew There are two main ways to get Mew in Pokémon Ultra Sun and ...

How To Get Diving Pokemon Emerald

How to Get Diving in Pokemon Emerald Pokemon Emerald is one of the best games in the Pokemon franchise. One of the most interesting things about this game is the possibility of diving in the seas and finding Pokémon and special objects. Next, we explain how to get diving in Pokemon Emerald. Step 1: Locate ...

how to draw pokemon

How To Draw Pokemon Drawing Pokemon is one of the fun things that kids and anime lovers love to do. It can be hard at first, but it’s easier than you think with a little practice. Here are some tips to get you started drawing Pokemon. Step 1: Make a plan for your drawing Remember ...