iOS vs Android: Which is Best for Your Business?


iOS vs Android: Which is Best for Your Business?

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iPhones and Android-powered smartphones have powered for market share since 2008 with Google’s Android OS launch.

However, developers get confused between iOS and Android because of their primary functionalities and accessibilities. To make your development decisions easier, we created a guide for you.

Further, the major differences between iOS and Android devices for business are a user’s preference and investment in the wider Google ecosystem.

Let’s get started so that it can help you make an optimal decision about whether you need to hire an Android developer or an iOS developer.

iOS VS Android: Which is better?

Here are a few factors that would influence your decision to choose the best app development for your business.

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Market Share

Market share is essential when choosing a mobile platform for your business.

According to Statista as of 2021, Android dominates the mobile operating system market share, accounting for 72.08% of the global market. In contrast, iOS has a market share of 27.75%.

Meanwhile, Android’s dominance can be attributed to its availability on various that make it accessible to a wider audience.

However, iOS is exclusive to Apple devices which makes it more expensive and targeted toward a specific audience.

All in all, not everyone can buy an iOS framework but Android can be accessible to everyone because of its cost-effective advantage.

Development Cost

Another important factor to consider is the cost of developing a mobile application. If we compare both the platforms then developing an iOS application is quietly more expensive than developing an Android application.

Reason being, IOS applications require prominent development tools exclusive to Apple products, such as Xcode and Swift programming language. Additionally, Apple charges an annual fee of $99 for publishing applications on the App Store.

On the other side, Android development tools like Android Studio and Java programming languages are free and open-source and really helpful for the developer.

The cost of hiring can have a big impact on the decision-making process, with the expense to hire iOS developers is often more expensive than that of an Android developer.

Therefore, in this contrast, Android consumes less development cost then the iOS.

Development Time

Next, we all know that there is alot of development time required to develop a mobile application depending on various factors, such as the application’s complexity, features, and platform.

Specifically, developing an Android application generally takes longer than developing an iOS application.

The reason being Android has a fragmented ecosystem that its operating system runs on devices from various development stage each with different specifications. However, it also require more testing and optimization to ensure compatibility with different devices.

While, iOS has a closed ecosystem with Apple designing due to it has more streamlined development process than the Android.

User Experience

The user experience is one the critical aspect when developing an application. The different design layouts of the iOS and Android platforms impact the user experience.

Therefore, the minimalist design of iOS offers efficiency and simplicity and better user experience. Whilst. Apple’s design standards guarantee consistency across applications and a smooth user experience.

Overall, the design methodologies of Android prioritize adaptability and personalization. Therefore, Android apps may have different visual aesthetics, that make them less consistent in user experience.

Therefore, it terms of User experience, iOS serves the best.

Customization and Open Source

Android has an open-source nature which is well known for making it simpler for developers to modify the operating system and add unique features. Android platform offers a wider variety customizations and templates.

On the other hand, iOS is a closed system which means that access to the underlying code is constrained for developers. Building unique features or customising the platform may become challenging with iOS.

Therefore, if you have a budget-constrained then Android could be a better option.


In terms of security, iOS is typically considered secured than Android. This is because iOS contains built-in security mechanisms like Touch ID and Face ID that make it challenging for unauthorized persons to access your phone.

However, Android is still secure since it has improved security controls and frequently updates security for users.

For security, both the platforms has its own merits.

App Store and Revenue

The fact that developers make more money from the App Store than Google Play is well known. This is because iOS consumers frequently pay more for apps than Android users. Additionally, iOS users are more likely than Android users to make in-app purchases.

When Should Businesses Choose Android App Development or iOS App Development?

Consider the benefits and drawbacks of Android and iOS development when deciding which platform to choose.

But, it would be ideal if you decided according to your budget, business idea, time to market, and other factors that we compiled in this article.

Choose iOS-first development in the following cases:

  • You’d like to increase revenue per user.
  • You’re trying to find a less difficult development process.
  • Security and privacy of user data are your top priorities.

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Choose Android when:

  • You want to reach more people.
  • To get the app into the Store, you must meet a lot of deadlines.
  • You wish to modify the app.

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Now is the time to respond to a very futuristic question: When should a company switch from one platform to another after considering all the factors affecting the decision between Android and iPhone for business use and the situations in which one is deemed more ideal than the other?

If your app is already offering consistent revenue from the App Store, you should think about expanding it to the Play Store.

If your Android app has enough users on the Google Play, you can increase its ability to make money by moving it to the App Store.

We hope our handy guide will assist you in choosing which platform would be best for your business.

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Bradley Gervais

Meet Bradley Gervais, the maestro of Gaming Mods and IT wizardry. With a profound understanding of gaming intricacies, Bradley transforms digital landscapes, pushing the boundaries of gaming experiences through innovative modifications. His expertise extends beyond the virtual realm, seamlessly intertwining with the complexities of Information Technology. Bradley's skill set is a fusion of creativity and technical prowess, earning him a reputation as a go-to authority in the gaming modding community. Whether crafting immersive game enhancements or navigating the IT labyrinth, Bradley Gervais is your guide to a seamlessly blended world where gaming prowess meets technological finesse.