The Top 10 Funniest Sidekick Characters In The MCU


The Top 10 Funniest Sidekick Characters In The MCU

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has given fans countless hours of entertainment with its expansive roster of superheroes, villains, and supporting characters. While the lead heroes often get the most attention, some of the funniest moments come from their trusty sidekicks.

The Top 10 Funniest Sidekick Characters In The MCU

Whether they are battling villains or providing comic relief, these MCU sidekicks always manage to steal the show. For more fictional characters for movies and games, check out Keep reading for our picks of the top 10 funniest sidekick characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

10. Happy Hogan

As Tony Stark’s loyal bodyguard and friend, Happy Hogan has been by Iron Man’s side since the very first MCU movie. Played to perfection by Jon Favreau, Happy often serves as the butt of Tony’s jokes, but he takes it all in stride.

His serious demeanor makes Tony’s sarcastic quips even funnier. And over the course of several movies, we get to see Happy’s humorous attempts to adapt to working for Stark Industries. He never fails to provide laughs, whether struggling with technology or getting roped into wacky situations by his eccentric boss.

9. Ned Leeds

Peter Parker would be lost without his best friend Ned Leeds. Played by Jacob Batalon, Ned is Peter’s ultimate fanboy. He’s positively gleeful about Peter’s secret identity as Spider-Man and desperately wants to be his “guy in the chair.”

Ned’s wide-eyed enthusiasm and funny freakout reactions make him a reliable source of laughs. And his lack of coordination provides some classic physical comedy moments, like when he accidentally destroys the Lego Death Star. Ned is the perfect comedy sidekick for the newest MCU hero on the block.

8. Miek

As Thor’s alien insectoid sidekick, Miek doesn’t get a ton of screen time. But the character, voiced by director Taika Waititi, makes the most of it. With his innocent personality and sweet nature, Miek makes for an unlikely yet lovable comedy pairing with the God of Thunder.

Some of his funniest moments include enthusiastically cheering Thor on during the Sakaar gladiator battle and gleefully electrocuting an enemy spaceship. We can’t wait to see Thor and Miek team up for more intergalactic antics.

7. Luis

Scott Lang’s former cellmate Luis acts as an informant and friend in the Ant-Man films. Played by Michael Peña, Luis has an upbeat attitude and motormouth that lead to hilarity. His meandering stories told through flashbacks always take amusing detours but somehow circle back to the point.

Luis nearly steals the show every time he’s on screen. And his well-meaning but bumbling nature helps ground Scott Lang’s heists with humor. Luis proves you don’t need superpowers to be a scene-stealing comedic sidekick.

6. Agent Jimmy Woo

FBI agent Jimmy Woo could have been an annoying antagonist for Scott Lang. But Randall Park makes the character downright lovable in Ant-Man and the Wasp. As Scott’s parole officer, Jimmy seems perpetually amused by Scott’s excuses for breaking the rules.

His friendly rapport with Scott and bemused reactions to the shrinking antics make for plenty of laughs. We hope Agent Woo sticks around to try and keep Scott in line for future MCU adventures.

5. Korg

As a member of the Revengers team in Thor: Ragnarok, Korg quickly became a fan favorite. Voiced by director Taika Waititi, Korg subverts expectations as a polite rock-monster revolutionary looking for peace. His flinty appearance disguises a gentle giant with a wry, understated sense of humor.

Korg gets some of the best one-liners as he casually comments on the chaos around him. And his growing friendship with Thor leads to great comedy moments. We can’t get enough of this lovable rock-man.

4. Darcy Lewis

Darcy Lewis introduced herself by tasing Thor in his first movie. Portrayed by Kat Dennings, she continues to be Jane Foster’s plucky, sarcastic assistant and friend in Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Love and Thunder.

Darcy’s fish-out-of-water observations and snarky remarks perfectly complement the Asgardian weirdness around her. She is an audience stand-in who reacts how many people would if Thor fell into their lives. Darcy definitely deserves more screen time to unleash her wit.

3. Yondu Udonta

Yondu certainly gives the Guardians of the Galaxy a run for their money for the title of funniest cosmic crew. Michael Rooker portrays the blue-skinned Ravager as a morally dubious anti-hero with a bold personality. Underneath his gruff exterior, Yondu has a mischievous charm and understated wit.

His jokes about eating Peter Quill, Mary Poppins-esque flying arrow, and offbeat parenting style leave lasting laughs. We wish we could have seen more adventures with Yondu as he helped turn the Guardians franchise into a surprise smash hit.

2. Wong

Out of all the Masters of Mystic Arts, Wong stands out for his deadpan humor. Played by Benedict Wong, Wong takes his magical studies extremely seriously, providing an absurd contrast to Doctor Strange’s cavalier attitude.

His seriousness makes moments of subtle humor and sarcasm even funnier. And his friendship with Strange gives plenty of opportunities for laughs as he reacts to Strange’s antics with amusing exasperation. Few sidekicks are drier, cooler, or funnier than Wong.

1. Kraglin

As Yondu’s right-hand man in the Guardians of the Galaxy films, Kraglin always helps his captain’s schemes with eager enthusiasm. Played by Sean Gunn, Kraglin gets many subtle laugh lines as he supports the unscrupulous Yondu.

He also has some of the best physical comedy moments, including disastrously trying to control Yondu’s flying arrow. Now as the new leader of the Ravagers, Kraglin is perfectly positioned to get into all kinds of hilarious trouble in space. That’s why he edges out the competition as the funniest MCU sidekick.

To Summarize

The MCU bursts with colorful lead heroes, but the franchise wisely populates its cosmic universe with funny supporting characters too. These sidekicks may begin as comic relief, but they become beloved for their humor and heart.

Whether battling villains or making us laugh, sidekicks like Kraglin, Wong, and Darcy Lewis make the MCU feel lived-in and fun. We can’t get enough of their jokes and chemistry with the leads. Here’s hoping these 10 hilarious sidekicks keep playing major roles as the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to expand.

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